She revealed her long pair of legs, sending seductive charm, which attracted numerous of Beijing media attending the opening ceremony. Myolie generously talked about slimming tips.
It can be said that this year is another good year for Myolie. Not only in Hong Kong is the filming constantly, but she also frequently appeared in Mainland TV series, attending brand endorsement, becoming a a true "flying trapeze". According to the staff, Myolie had been filming all night long for the grand costume drama "The King Among the Phoenix" in Hong Kong yesterday. But at the event, Myolie still sparkled, the skin can break wind shells. Myolie introduced her character in the currently filming TV series that she will break the previous dramas she had filmed. Acting as a ruthless queen, the story talks about women in the palace, how they grow and how they change. The main point is two women are deducting, the clue is very different. It should not be similar as the preceding palace series. But the pressure is still big, mainly because the script is too good, I believe when airing we will see a different Myolie than we use to see her.
That day of function, Myolie had frequently interaction with the audience. During the questioning part, the audience asked her about her slimming secret. Before, Myolie had to gain weight for filming TV series "To Grow with Love", increasing weight up to 150 pounds, after finished filming, she lost weight and be back to 100 pounds in shortly two months. Myolie revealed: "During the slimming process, I have told myself to control appetite, do many sports exercises, then hinting myself that during gaining weight I have already eaten that food. Some food I really want to eat then I will smell and regard as eaten. Support of my determination I have my slimming centre to help me. They use a lot of high-end equipment to help me lose weight and not rebound."