The light-hearted comedy, Happy Mother-in-law, Pretty Daughter-in-law, with the main cast consisting of Ng Man Tat, Kingdom Yuen and Myolie Wu, is carrying out its filming in Shanghai. The filming will wrap up on 16 March. On the day of the reporters' visit, the production team was filming a scene of Shirley Dai using Myolie Wu as the target of darts practice. During the interview, when Myolie Wu was asked if she has the intention of becoming the wife of a rich man, she said, "Never thought of this question. My dream is to have a romantic little house."
On that day, there was a scene on Princess Kam Yuk (Shirley Dai) using Chin Moon Goon (Myolie Wu) as the target for her darts practice. Myolie Wu, whom has once acted in the WOIL series, said, "This time, there aren't many argument scenes between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Instead, I've more conflicts with the other daughter-in-law acted by Shirley Dai." Shirley Dai then said, "She loves to use underhand means. She even sent someone to seduce my husband. I always can't seem to win over her. After tolerating for so long, finally today there's a scene where I'll take revenge on her." After In The Eye Of The Beholder was aired, Myolie Wu's costume-image in the drama was being criticized as being unflattering. She said, "I also feel strange too. It doesn't look very ancient. I did ask the image stylist before, but he liked new creations. The image this time is quite refreshing."
This time, Chin Moon Goon, acted by Myolie Wu, saw money as her life. When asked if she has the intention of becoming the wife of a rich man, she laughed and answered, "Never thought about this. Of course I've things that I pursue too, but they don't necessarily need to be branded. I do invest in stocks and property too. I hope to have a romantic little house." Then is Bosco Wong the ideal partner? She replied that she hasn't thought about it.
On the other hand, Kingdom Yuen is acting as an eloquent matchmaker in this drama. She said, "In reality, I also love to be a matchmaker. It's very dry for a person without love. I often introduce my friends to people." Then will you matchmake Myolie Wu and Bosco Wong? She was surprised and replied, "They're a couple? I don't know. Doesn't matter. They're grown up adults. Both the handsome guy and pretty lady are experienced. Don't need for me to matchmake."