Myolie Wu may buy a cheap yacht

Myolie Wu attended the promotion press conference for "Princess yachts" set sail ceremony yesterday. She said people who use their girl friend or wife's name to name the yacht, shows that they love their loved ones very much. It is also very romantic! Myolie said if someone names his yacht after her, she would sure marry him, but so far, she hasn't met a rich guy yet. She went on to say it is not the cost of buying the yacht, it is the thought that count. Myolie revealed that she may be getting a yacht, but a cheaper one. She disclosed that she has been to a deserted beach before, but she didn't go naked. This is because she either has the figure or the gut to go naked. Even though when she was abroad, she dared not swim with nothing on. Having said that, Myolie has been to the nudist camp and she said it was an eye opener for her. She said that foreign women have very good figure.