Myolie Wu shops online spending a few thousands on clothing
Sherman Chung, Vincy Chan and Don Li attended a fashion show. As Vincy was dressed more "closed chest" compared to Sherman's tube top, Vincy laughed and said that she doesn't have the quality: "She has a very good body figure! I admire her figure, she looks hot in whatever she wears. (Are you closed chest?) At the right time I'll have some healthy sexiness, don't always have to wear low cut clothing." The two girls both exposed that Don has launched his very own brand name and teased that Don should be their sponsor.
Myolie Wu who was also at the event was dressed in a black dress with a golden necklace. She expressed that she likes to shop online, she spent a few thousand on this dress online. She also supports designs by the local companies. She said: "I really admire the designers Dorian Ho and Lu Lu Cheung. If an evening dress design is really sexy, I don't mind wearing it as long as it looks pretty."