Yesterday Myolie Wu attended a press conference for massage chairs. When she was trying the massage chairs, she exposed that usually she'll ask her boyfriendto massage her, but after getting this chair won't need boyfriend anymore. She later stressed that she was saying only if she had a boyfriend, then she would ask him to message her.
Myolie's ex-lover Nardone Ruggero married Victoria Zhong on July 2nd. Coincidentally, Myolie is leaving Hong Kong around this time, scheduled to go tour Europe on the 9th. She expressed that besides going on vacation with her friends to the hostels in Northern Ireland, she's also going on a shopping spree in Paris and London. She then revealed that one time a Westerner proposed to her at Big Ben before. Although he didn't have a ring, didn't kneel on the ground and wasn't that good looking, it still felt extremely romantic. However, Myolie knew he was just kidding, so to reject him she said she was already married. Asked if she told rumored boyfriend Bosco Wong about this proposal? She said: "What does this have to do with him? None of his business."
Asked if she knows her ex-boyfriend got married? Myolie said: "I know! Congratulations, I'm really happy for him. Actually we don't keep in touch." Asked if she felt her ex and Victoria matches? She said: "OK! Pretty good! Hope they live happily, the most important thing is happiness." When is she going to get married? Myolie said: "It's hard to find one in this world." Is Bosco Wong not good enough? She avoided the question: "I am still looking."